About Me

Hi! My name is Jennifer Turnage. I’m originally from New York, but have lived in Oklahoma for about 17 years. I’ve been married 17 years to my husband. I worked over thirteen years with a government agency as a Case Manager. In March 2020, I decided to leave my position and focus on my family, education, and business. I’ve always set the goal of completing my Bachelor degree and I’m so excited to be a Senior.  I will be graduating in May 2024, with a Bachelor Degree in General Studies.

As a dedicated mom, wife, and student, I’m excited to be at a point in my life where I am completing my degree. This journey has been a long one with the constant ups and downs of juggling family responsibilities with my academic pursuits, and now, I am ready to embrace a new challenge. It has always been my aspiration to venture into my own business. Every role I hold—mother, spouse, student—has shown me how patience, perseverance, and the know-how to handle complex issues with grace.