
In May 2024, I will be graduating the University of Central Oklahoma with a Bachelor’s degree in General Studies. It has been a long educational journey, and I have been to multiple colleges and explored several majors. For me this degree serves as a completion to a goal I’ve also set out to complete. Another goal was to start my own business, while I’ve always had small side endures to work with.

The completion of a degree in General Studies, has helped me focused on critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving which has prepared me for the unpredictable adventure of entrepreneurship. I have learned to analyze situations from several different perspectives, and how to integrate knowledge from different fields of study to solve complex problems. The skills I’ve learned are invaluable in todays business world, where success depends on navigating though uncertainty to make good strategic decisions, and to continue to adapt to change.

Starting my own business also means embracing the spirit of being a lifelong learning. I am excited to continue learning, growing, and applying the knowledge and skills gained from my college experience to navigate the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship.

As I prepare for my future, to transition from student to business owner, I am grateful for the broad-based education I received. It has provided me with a toolkit of skills but also with the confidence and assurance to shape my own path. With a degree in General Studies and my vision of business, I am ready to start on my next adventure, and excited to see where my education and ambition will lead me.